VEC Structure
Due to the size and operations of the Victoria Engineering Club there are three bodies that make up the clubs structure. These are the Board, Collective Clubs and Organising Team, these bodies overlap and work together to ensure the smooth running of the club.
The clubs operates under several key requirements:
- Not for financial gain – The club cannot operate for financial gain, which means it cannot make a profit with the intention of passing it on to the members. Any profits must be returned to the club to be used for its purposes and for the benefit of those in the community who the club serves. In the event of a breach, the members involved can be held personally liable for any debt or obligation that the club took on in breaching the rule.
- Minimum membership – The clubs must have a membership of at least 15 members
- Rules – The club must have a ratified constitution.
- Acting within society’s objects – The club must operate within the scope of the objects (aims) stated in its rules.
Charged with the overall direction of the club and elected and responsible to its members is the board. Elected at each AGM and/or any Special General Meeting the Board consists of the members who are responsible for the direction and running of the club.
The club has a number of positions that are filled by members of the club. These are the positions that are filled by the Board and Collective Clubs. These positions are:
Vice President
Engagement Lead
Representation Lead
General Executive Member
Due to the size and scope of VEC there are several sub-organisations that operate under the VEC banner. These are the Collective Clubs, which are clubs that exist as part of VEC that focus on a specific focus. Technically they are subcommittees of the board but in practice they operate by themselves under the direction of the board with the intention of them being self sufficient.
Organising Team
While both the Board and Collective serve specific purposes there is also a group of amazing volunteers who help across the club. These are members who while are not on the Board or run a Club in the Collective still wish to help with the functioning of VEC. These consist of the moderators on our Discord server, internal tech and engagement team and everyone else who assists. Without the ability to have members helping with the club without requiring them to be board members VEC would not be able to function.